Futuristic Sci-Fi Manga turns into Anime. No. 6 anime gives off a shounen-ai feeling to yaoi fans...
"A science fiction manga adaptation drawn by Hinoki Kino began serialization in the March 2011 issue of Kodansha's Aria magazine. A TV anime series adaptation by Bones began airing in Japan in July 2011."
Alternative Name: Number 6
Author/ Mangaka: Asana Utsuko; Kino Hinoki
Category: Manga
Genre: Action, Mystery, Sci-fi, Shoujo, Shounen-Ai
The story takes place in an ideal city known as "No. 6". Sion, a boy raised in the elite and privileged environment of his home, gives shelter to another boy, who only gives his name as 'Nezumi' (Meaning mouse or Rat) on the former's 12th birthday. After spending a rainy night with his new friend, Sion discovers the next morning that Nezumi has left and disappeared without a trace. Four years later, Sion experiences a spate of incidents around him in which a deadly infection by parasitic bees leaves its victims to age rapidly. Sion's co-worker is one of the victims and Sion is arrested on suspicion of murder. Whilst Sion is being transported to the Correctional Institute, Nezumi appears and rescues him. Sion begins to find out the hidden truth behind the Ideal City No.6.
Main Casts:
Shion / Sion
Shion is a main character in the manga and anime No.6. He is kind and understands people. He doesn't seem amazed by No.6 even though he lives there. He also feels that something about the city is weird - something just feels wrong. Shion has a generally pleasant sort of face. Initially, he had brown hair and hazel brown eyes. When he was 12 years old, he used to wear a white shirt with a light turquoise button up sweater vest over it, light brown trousers, dark brown shoes and his No. 6 ID bracelet on his left wrist.
Spoiler :
A fugitive who is on the run from the police after escaping from prison. He sneaks into Shion's house after being shot. Nezumi gets treated and sheltered by him for a night, then disappears without a trace in the morning.
He has dark blue hair and wears it in a short, but visible ponytail, leaving his fringe and strands of hair hanging at the sides of his face. His eyes are a light grey. In episode 2 of the anime, he wears a cloak with a hood (made of superfiber) which he soon took off to cover the enemy's eyes temporarily before holding a knife to his chin. He also used it to cover Shion and himself when they jumped out of a car(also in episode 2). He noted that he is taller than Shion, to which Shion agrees due to it being a valid fact. He wears grey pants (he tucks in the left side into a boot and the other is left as is and appears tattered), a dark green jacket with multiple pockets and a notably big scarf around his neck. He has a fairly muscular body.
Spoiler :
This is for the minds of the BL fans! :3
"do they look good together?"
---(*nod nod*)
" This is SHOUNEN-ai / Yaoi already!!!" --myreview (comments are okay!)
It's reall hard to watch this anime coz it's so homoerotic??? :] can you tell???
"whats with the smile, nezumi!!!" |
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